May 29, 2013

Fear fear fear. Go away.

NYCPARISNYCPARIS. Which one which one which one. Both seem possible. One seems harder than the other. and then again, not. Two options.. just as difficult as the other. Which do you want. I want life. I want to make the right decision. I want the next adventure. Things that are terrifying always end up being the best experience. Not all positive.. but an adventure non the less. Live Sarah, live.

Stencil it on your forehead: “Safety is overrated! Taking risks are where the payoffs happen! and you absolutely will survive.”


I was reflecting this morning on the impact that we have on each others lives. Even a simple short interaction with a stranger can remain a memory. How much more so the people we see on a regular basis. It causes me to desire to live in a way that even the simplest conversation leave something positive behind. I am guilty of being wrapped up in my own little bubble and losing sight of what it is to contribute to those around me and instead I take. Here’s to a new day and positive new habits.