and so it begins
30 minutes to summarize the core element of photography – composition. Jumping in and not know what is the best way to teach it, language barrier as well as the challenge of having to learn this “new” language of photography and “seeing”. 3 hours of total time spent in instruction including shooting time and image review. It took a while, but slowly and surely, the lights started to turn on and we were seeing that most of them were getting it.
We are adapting as we go, adjusting the lesson plan to their pace of learning. But they are getting it. We told them about the exhibition and instantly their eyes lit up and smiles were on their faces. They are so excited.
Processing my own emotions :: feelings like, inadequate, inarticulate, not fun/funny, not friendly enough.
Questions like:: will this work? will we fail? will we disappoint people?, Am I being all the things above? am I being egotistical? am I being outgoing enough? Am I listening? am I being kind to locals?
My fears are:: I don’t want to devalue anyone, offend anyone, or be a burden.
Thoughts moving forward ::
I have just as much to contribute as any of the other teachers here. I am so grateful to be here, to have this experience and to be able to share time and space and love with these kids. My affect will never be known to me, but it is worth it non the less.