restless beast.
May our choices reflect our hopes, not our fears. – Nelson Mandela
Struggling to decipher which way to lay my steps and intentions. Away from but towards what? How what is next?
Portraits. Business shoots. Crossing my fingers to survive the slow season.
How did I get here? I can drive myself mad with the roundabout thinking.
If I don’t believe in devine design, than what does chaos have in store for me?
Suddenly I feel lost.
I feel his absence after he leaves. Turns out I’m quite attached and perhaps fully smitten. Care, support, consistency, depth of character. This is the good man I have so long searched for. I am myself completely, that freedom too is a uniquely beautiful thing.
There is no half way, or sort of’s. I am 100 percent. Now if only I can keep the restless beast away. The beast needs it’s space, to be ignored, and just allowed the time to process. All will be fine in the end.