Paris part — I’ve lost count
I found my note of my premier voyage a Paris from 2012. What a life time ago. A side by side comparison then/now makes me smile.
I’m dressed in tennis, pont pants, a comfy tee hoodie black leather blazer combo. I think I am the example of chic comfort.
My luggage has shrunken in size. Finally a carry on. I’m beyond amazed at my ability to pack what I have. Gear, formal wear, beach wear, workout clothes as well as dressing as a classy dame. This is what being an adult looks like. Oh and 5 pairs of shoes. Not to mention gifts for dear faces I will be seeing again. Success.
Roller coaster of a week.
Visa information that leaves me wondering what I’m going to do for the fall. I need to create a income plan for all the weddings I’ve turned down in order to be in Paris. I’m tired of playing Russian roulette with my finances. Sigh.
Arrived in a delayed plane and took the RER B to Gare de Nord to line 5. It is an easy transition now and one that doesn’t take much thought.
I climbed the 6 flights of stairs with luggage and then ate and showered. Amel and I ran errands and then caught the end of the France/Nigeria game at the rush. It was a riveting game and so fun to watch a game like this in Europe. Every café, resturaunt and pub had the game on. People were piled in watching. I loved it.
Spoken word, then caught another game Germany vs Algeria at the rush again. Before I know it its 2am and my alarm will be going off in 5 hours to catch my flight to Sicily. Another 6 hours of the gypsy shuffle and I’m finally in Italy for the first time. My first impression of the island reminds me of a combo of mexico and spain. Everyone is friendly and I quickly shed my two layers from Paris to embrace the delicious sunshine and warmer weather.
My apartment has an incredible view. The blue blue ocean and brown rocky hillside. Small towns nestled against the base of volcano that erupted just two weeks ago. Smoke still flows from the tip of its mouth. I was photographing Manalo Blahnick’s as the sunset and chatted wedding details with bBetsy. It’s good to be here. A communal dinner on the terrace and cards against humanity until midnight. A good day indeed.