April 1, 2013

Why is it I have the most anxiety traveling to NYC. My first trip there I almost had a episode of sorts. My excitement gets the best of me? My second trip there I was running away from all my pain. What a whirlwind that was. Third times the charm. Bring it on.

At this moment I am surrounded by my laundry and of course I hate everything I own. Nothing to wear in fabulous NYC. I have to pack smart and light and leave space bc I KNOW I will purchase things while I’m there anyway. BLAH

Delightful weekend.

Friday: tutus, girl time, blue wig and mini mouse, sunshine and bicycles through midtown. Makes my heart happy.

Saturday engagement session in Pleasanton. Dinner in the mission with the poet who was visiting from SF. News is he might be moving there. That complicates things but at the same time I am delighted. I enjoy his company. So naive and yet so brilliant.

Sunday – bike ride around downtown, client meeting in my space, food at GB and finished two big projects. Success.

tomorrow – Engagement session in Santa Cruz. Get home just in time to fly to NYC. My goodness my life is not boring.

Cheers darlings.


NYC part three – dynamics are all different this time around. I’m not the same person. I’m not in need the same way I was before. I’m hungry for a different experience this time. Something a little more wholesome than before perhaps? …But it will happen as it is meant to be and it will be perfect and will continue to shape me into who I am to become.