October 7, 2013

So I been seeing enough of my friends lately to know that there are people reading my blog on the regular.

Let me take this opportunity to apologize for my crazy, emotional vent based ramblings that include bad grammar and spelling.

That said, you are welcome to keep reading. As long as you realize that the above will probably never change. HA.

Sometimes I write here just to clear my head.  Other times it is so I don’t forget the details of a day or phase of my life. Then there are times I need to work through a thought, or just a place to throw words and read them later.

In case you didn’t realize, my favorite time to write is drunk or hungover.   And I also write cryptically on purpose to protect people places or things. haha..  That said..  my best stories aren’t on here.  Not at all.  Maybe parts, or mentions or names or locations. But no, the best stories of my life are in still in my head and heart and are best told in person. Over a cup of coffee or glass of wine.

So there.  ;)